Hokah Water Service Inspections

Published On: June 25th, 2024|Categories: News|

Hokah Water Service Inspections

The City of Hokah is working to complete an inventory of all water service lines within the water system. Beginning on Wednesday 6/26 and continuing for several days, representatives from Bolton & Menk (on behalf of the City) will be knocking on doors and requesting entry to your home to inspect your water service line if you have not already submitted your in-home inspection. You can still perform the survey yourself by visiting: https://arcg.is/br1X40

If you have any questions or are having trouble filling out a self-inventory, please call and leave a message at 507-894-4852.

Every inspection submittal requires a picture of your water service before it enters the meter (see attached picture for reference).

Please Note: You may be visited by Bolton & Menk if you submitted an in-home inspection that requires follow-up for one of these reasons:

  • To verify your assessment if you reported having a lead or galvanized service line
  • If you submitted a picture that is not clear
  • If there is a question about your self-inspection submittal

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